Frí heimsending á höfuðborgarsvæðinu þegar verslað er fyrir 100.000kr



    Veer Carpets

    cos motta viscose ivory 200 x 280 cm


    89.000 kr.

    Frí heimsending þegar verslað er fyrir meira en 100.000 kr á höfuðborgarsvæði.


    The Cos rug, made of high-quality viscose, is the perfect addition to your living room or bedroom, giving it an instant fresh look and a completely new look.

    The neutral tones of the rug add a timeless touch to any space. The viscose material not only gives a luxurious look, but also provides a soft and comfortable feeling under your feet. The Cos collection consists of various grayed colors, so you will always find a rug that fits seamlessly with your interior.


    Cos motta Viscose Ivory 200 x 280 cm
    Cos motta Viscose Ivory 200 x 280 cm
    Cos motta Viscose Ivory 200 x 280 cm

    Cos motta Viscose Ivory 200 x 280 cm



    Veer Carpets