Frí heimsending á höfuðborgarsvæðinu þegar verslað er fyrir 100.000kr
A - J
K - Ö
B21 x D33 x H21 cm
Frí heimsending þegar verslað er fyrir meira en 100.000 kr á höfuðborgarsvæði.
The side shelf is a simple and practical item that fits into most rooms of the home: by the sofa or armchair, the shelf will add a personal touch to the room, and you can place a small vase with flowers, a small lamp on it or use it for extra storage space, for a cup of tea and/or the remote control. In the bedroom, the shelf will be practical and elegant as a bedside table, and in the entrance hall the shelf can be used for decoration with a small plant or perhaps with a nice bowl or jar for keys. The ART STUDIO series is inspired by Moroccan architecture, where shelves are often an integrated part of the stone wall itself. The surfaces have a scent of Morocco as well, due to their resemblance with Tadelakt, which is a traditional Moroccan wall surfacing technique composed of lime plaster and black soap made from olives.
Smávara og minni húsgögn sækjast í verslun Tekk, Skógarlind 2.
Stærri húsgögn sækjast á lager, Vatnagörðum 6.
Heimsending á höfuðborgarsvæðinuog verslað fyrir 20.000-49.999kr
Heimsending á höfuðborgarsvæðinu yfir 50.000kr
Sent út á land og verslað fyrir 20.000-49.999kr.
Sent út á land og verslað fyrir 50.000-149.999kr.
Sent út á land og verslað fyrir meira en 150.000
Dropp afhendingarstaðir (smávara)
Höfuðborgarsvæðið 790kr
Landsbyggðin 990kr
Dropp heimsending (smávara)
Höfuðborgarsvæðið 1.350kr - 3.550kr
Suðvesturhornið 1.450kr - 5.950kr