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Frí heimsending þegar verslað er fyrir meira en 50.000 kr á höfuðborgarsvæði.
Tilbúið til afhendingar innan sólarhrings.
Stærð 89x33cm
Shoe Dry is a shoe storage solution that combines an ultra-absorbent foam fabric mat together with a rack that is designed to slightly elevate your shoes allowing water to drip off and air to circulate. This helps your shoes to dry quicker while at the same time keeping your floor clean and dry. Shoe Dry was designed with convenience in mind and can easily be moved to where it’s needed most. The tray can easily be removed and the fabric mat is machine washable for easy care and maintenance. Best of all, when not in use, Shoe Dry folds up for neat, compact storage. Shoe Dry is the perfect addition to your front door or any other entryway and allows you to quickly access the shoes you use most while at the same time helping to keep things neat, tidy and dry. Measuring 89 x 33 cm, Shoe Dry has room for up to four pairs of shoes and features soft, rounded lines and a charcoal gray mat and rack combo that is a lot more attractive than traditional rubber or plastic mats.
Smávara og minni húsgögn sækjast í verslun Tekk, Skógarlind 2.
Stærri húsgögn sækjast á lager, Vatnagörðum 6.
Heimsending á höfuðborgarsvæðinuog verslað fyrir 20.000-49.999kr
Heimsending á höfuðborgarsvæðinu yfir 50.000kr
Sent út á land og verslað fyrir 20.000-49.999kr.
Sent út á land og verslað fyrir 50.000-149.999kr.
Sent út á land og verslað fyrir meira en 150.000
Dropp afhendingarstaðir (smávara)
Höfuðborgarsvæðið 790kr
Landsbyggðin 990kr
Dropp heimsending (smávara)
Höfuðborgarsvæðið 1.350kr - 3.550kr
Suðvesturhornið 1.450kr - 5.950kr