Vegna álags getur verið töf á afgreiðslu pantana. Takk fyrir skilninginn!



Mette Ditmer

elvira viskustykkil 50x70cm, sand


2.360 kr. 2.950 kr.
Þú sparar: 20% ( 590 kr. )

Frí heimsending þegar verslað er fyrir meira en 50.000 kr á höfuðborgarsvæði.

Tilbúið til afhendingar innan sólarhrings.


The ELVIRA tea towels are made in 100% organic cotton. The tea towels are waffle-weaved which not only gives them a nice volume but also makes them iron free. The beautiful stripe-pattern has been woven in dyed yarn which means that both sides of the tea towels are equally fine. Tea towels have a good absorbancy and a high colour fastnes, which means that you can enjoy both functionality and aesthetics for a long time.

Matching dish cloths are also available.

Size: W 50 x L 70 cm
Material: 100% organic cotton
Care instructions: Wash at 60 degrees Celcius, tumble dry at maximum heat, avoid fabric softener.

Tengdar vörur


ELVIRA Viskustykkil 50x70cm, Sand



Mette Ditmer